Have you received a diagnosis from a doctor regarding your testosterone levels? If so, it is natural to wonder what to expect after a low testosterone diagnosis. Review the potential reasons for this diagnosis and treatment options with this article.
You can discuss options to increase your testosterone levels with our team. We serve clients throughout Port Orange, Daytona Beach, and surrounding areas, and we are ready to focus on your needs.
A Low Testosterone Diagnosis Can Help You Understand Your Symptoms
The first thing to expect after a low testosterone diagnosis is a greater understanding of how you have been feeling. Low testosterone levels may lead to feelings of depression, a decreased sex drive, and low energy levels.
Many patients experience a feeling of relief once they get a diagnosis from a medical professional regarding their testosterone levels. Once you recognize the issue impacting your health, you can take proactive steps to recover and feel better.
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What Causes Low Testosterone?
A low testosterone diagnosis typically represents the beginning of a treatment plan for patients in Port Orange and surrounding locations. However, medical professionals work first to determine the causes of a low testosterone (Low-T) diagnosis.
The Urology Care Foundation recognizes several causes of Low-T, including:
Metabolic syndromes like high blood sugar, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure
Obesity and belly fat
The use of some medications, including narcotics for pain relief
Pituitary gland disease, infections, some autoimmune disorders, and the loss of a testicle or testicles may also cause Low-T. The specific causes of the condition determine the course of treatment that can address your concerns and improve your health.
What Treatments Are Available to Increase Low-T?
Depending upon the underlying causes of a Low-T diagnosis, healthcare professionals may recommend several treatments.
Treatments That Focus on Overall Wellness
Issues with underlying health conditions, like obesity, may contribute to a Low-T diagnosis. In these situations, improving your health and wellness may increase your testosterone levels without requiring additional medical interventions.
Medical professionals often encourage patients to focus on their overall health and make lifestyle changes before pursuing additional treatments. They may advise you to focus on:
Increasing weekly exercise time
Making changes to your diet
Engaging in stress management
Avoiding saturated fats often helps improve testosterone levels over time. Aerobic exercise also tends to boost testosterone production by the body while improving sexual function at the same time. Consider these factors after receiving your diagnosis.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
In addition to treatments designed to boost your overall wellness, you may consider HRT as a treatment for Low-T. The Cleveland Clinic lists some of the most common HRT options used to address this condition, which can include:
Intramuscular injections
Testosterone patches placed on the arms, abdomen, back, or buttocks
Pellets placed under the skin
Testosterone gels
Not all of these treatments are selected for each patient diagnosed with Low-T. Therefore, we recommend speaking with a medical professional before beginning any hormone replacement therapy in Daytona Beach or surrounding areas.
However, with the approval of a healthcare professional, you may supplement other treatments with HRT, boosting your overall testosterone levels.
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What Are the Benefits of Low-T Treatments?
Your Low-T treatments can boost your testosterone levels and help you feel better. In many cases, Low-T treatments help to:
Improve your sense of well-being and overall mood
Boost your sexual function
Increase feelings of mental sharpness
Increase your physical performance and muscle strength
However, you may also expect a number of side effects associated with hormone replacement therapies. Make sure that you discuss all possible side effects with your medical provider before you begin a treatment plan. These side effects can include:
Swelling around the ankles
Oily skin and acne
Irritation to the skin
Worsened sleep apnea
The above list only contains examples of the symptoms associated with HRT. Not all patients experience all or any of these symptoms. However, you should track any symptoms you experience and report them to your healthcare provider, especially if they become severe.
How Long Does It Take to Recover from Low Testosterone?
Your recovery time may vary depending upon the underlying causes for Low-T levels and the treatment plan you choose to handle the issue. Many patients begin feeling better around four to six weeks.
It may take longer to see changes in muscle mass, sometimes taking several months. However, sticking to treatment plans can help you see long-term results.
Get Help for Your Low-T Diagnosis by Contacting Us Today
What should you expect after a low testosterone diagnosis? First, you can expect to go over treatment plans with a healthcare provider and begin addressing the issues. Then, start getting the help you need from our team at Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates.
We can discuss your treatment options when you contact us.
Call or text (386) 366-7418 or Schedule an Appointment Today!