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What Foods Help Increase Testosterone Levels?

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

There are many foods that help increase testosterone (T) levels, such as:

  • Leafy green vegetables

  • Fatty fish and fish oil

  • Ginger

  • Shellfish (e.g., oysters)

  • Pomegranates

  • Eggs

Keep reading to learn how and why these foods help people increase their testosterone levels and what foods can help lower testosterone levels.

1. Leafy Green Vegetables and Other Foods With Magnesium

According to Biological Trace Element Research, a controlled clinical trial was conducted to measure how magnesium supplements affect athletes and sedentary people in rest and exhaustion. Results found that both athletes and sedentary people who took the supplements experienced higher testosterone levels while resting and after exercise, while athletes experienced greater increases after exercise. 

Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are known to have high levels of magnesium. However, any food rich in magnesium may help boost your testosterone levels. These foods include:

  • Swiss chard

  • Nuts (e.g., almonds, peanuts, and cashews)

  • Lentils

  • Seeds (e.g., pumpkin seeds)

  • Whole grains

  • Low-fat milk and yogurt

  • Beans and other legumes (e.g., soybeans)

You can also take magnesium supplements by themselves.

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2. Fatty Fish and Fish Oil

While eating a high-fat diet is not advised for people with low testosterone levels (too much fat can decrease them further), certain fats are healthy to consume. This includes fat from fish, which contains nutrients like vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. These nutrients can enhance the male reproductive system, often leading to an increase in testosterone levels. 

Research published by the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology found that men who followed a low-fat diet decreased their testosterone levels while men who followed a high-fat diet increased or stabilized theirs. An animal-based study in the International Journal of Fertility & Sterility also found a correlation between long-term fish oil supplementation and testosterone level increases, noting that the fish oil may enhance semen production as well.


Ginger has medicinal properties and can be used as a natural healing tool. Ginger is rich in antioxidants and also helps reduce glucose in the bloodstream, which can ultimately help blood flow through the reproductive system. 

A study published by the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that ginger increased testosterone levels in male diabetic rats. In this study, ginger was found to have androgenic effects, which helped increase reproductive organ weight as well as testosterone levels.

4. Shellfish

Like fatty fish, certain shellfish (e.g., oysters and crab) have high levels of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Shellfish also has high levels of selenium, which serves as an antioxidant. 

However, while shellfish can help boost testosterone levels, you should control how much of it you consume. This is primarily due to the high levels of zinc and other metals like copper that shellfish contains. Our nutritionists can guide you on how to include this food into your diet plan.

5. Pomegranates

Pomegranates offer a variety of health benefits, namely:

  • They can reduce stress levels

  • They have antioxidants and can improve blood health 

  • They can boost sexual health, including testosterone levels 

Research published by Endocrine Abstracts found that drinking pomegranate juice can help both men and women increase their testosterone levels and experience many other health benefits, such as enhanced mood, decreased blood pressure, and less anxiety.  

6. Eggs

Eggs are a high source of both protein and selenium. As mentioned, foods with high levels of selenium have been found to increase testosterone levels. According to an Antioxidants study, selenium boosted semen quality, sperm count, and other reproductive functions. 

Men who have testosterone deficiencies may be able to boost their levels by eating eggs and other high-selenium foods, such as red meat and nuts.

Foods to Avoid If You Have Low Testosterone Levels

If your testosterone levels are low, you may want to avoid:

  • Processed foods: Processed foods are often foods that have been prepackaged or frozen. These foods contain high levels of sodium, trans fats, and sugars, which help preserve the foods but can also lower testosterone levels.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol has been linked to decreased testosterone levels by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Consuming too much alcohol can also affect overall reproductive health because it reduces metabolism and damages cell production.

  • Other fatty foods: As mentioned, people who have high-fat diets may reduce their testosterone production. High-fat foods include foods that are high in sugar (e.g., donuts) or high in trans fats (e.g., chips or fried foods). 

Our nutritionists can review your current eating habits and build a diet plan that suits your needs and boosts testosterone levels. 

Schedule Your Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Appointment Today

If you notice any symptoms of low testosterone levels (e.g., less energy, loss of muscle mass, or low libido), visit our facility to see if testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be a viable option for you. We offer multiple treatments to help people boost their testosterone levels. On top of medical treatment, our team can put together a customized nutritional plan and exercise regimen that focuses on improving your hormone levels.

To schedule your first appointment, call Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates at (386) 366-7418 today. 

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