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How Long Should You Have a Personal Trainer?

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

The length of time you will need a personal trainer varies. Each person has different goals, differing abilities, and individual progression toward goals. Most people work with a personal trainer for at least three to six months. Some people will work with a trainer for a year or longer.   

How Long Before You See Results with a Personal Trainer?

When you will see results depends on many things, including your genetic makeup. Some people put on muscle mass quickly and may see results after the first couple weeks. Other people who are slower to convert muscle mass may not see results for the first couple of months. Almost everyone will see noticeable results within three months when working with a personal trainer, regardless of body type.

Some of the factors affecting when you begin to see results include:

  • Your personal fitness goals

  • Whether you are losing weight or building muscle

  • Your lifestyle (what you do outside the gym)

  • Your starting point

The time and energy you devote to attaining your fitness and wellness goals will also impact your results.

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Will You Always Need a Personal Trainer?

No, you will be able to continue your training routine on your own eventually. There is no “golden ticket” when determining how long you need a personal trainer. You may have financial changes and stop using one tomorrow. You may stay with a trainer for a year or more.

Other than financial inability, the determining factor will be your progress and how you feel. You may show good progress in three months and are confident you can continue to work on the program without the trainer. You may not be showing as much progress and hit a plateau, and staying with the person will help you continue beyond that point. 

How Many Sessions Per Week Should You Train?

The number of personal trainer sessions you have per week will depend on your finances and what you can afford. Suppose money is not a factor. In that case, the following guidelines would apply.

Train with your trainer three times per week. You will learn exercises quicker and have the benefit of additional motivation. Most people opt to train with a trainer once weekly. This budget-friendly option means you will need to motivate yourself if you train alone between sessions.

Other Factors that Affect Your Progress

The number of times you train each week, with or without a personal trainer, will significantly affect your progress. Your body and emotional state will also play a part:

  • Lower stress levels allow for a quicker physical recovery from workouts

  • Recovery time varies individually and will impact your progress

  • If you have a history of injuries, your progress may be affected or slowed due to lower recovery rates

  • Your body style and physical makeup affect your progress. Some people naturally build muscle or lose weight faster.

Scientific evidence verifies the differences in performance improvements between two people working out in the same manner. We won’t bore you with that, but it does exist. Don’t be discouraged if you progress slower than someone else.

Gym Schedules Based on Training Level

When planning your time in the gym, you must consider your current fitness level and goals. A good personal trainer will recommend a combination of strength training and cardio activity. 

Swapping between them allows your body to rest from muscle-building during your cardio workouts, and the cardio increases your ability to withstand muscle-building. Whatever your training practices are, you should remain consistent.

The recommended schedule for beginners includes performing muscle and strength-building exercises for two to three days each week. In between, beginners should maintain cardio health with one to two days of intense cardio activity.

Intermediate Level

For intermediate-level fitness enthusiasts, the recommended schedule shifts to three to four days of strength training as full-body workouts and one to two days of cardio. The intensity of the workouts increases as you progress from beginner through intermediate to advanced.

Once you are a seasoned gym attendee, you should be doing muscle-building four to five days each week. At this stage, you won’t have separate cardio workouts. Your strength workouts will be intense enough to increase endurance, creating the benefits of a cardio workout.

All exercise should be a progression that works toward reaching your fitness and wellness goals and improving your overall health. Work with your trainer to develop a good training schedule based on your training level and fitness goals.

Work on Being Consistent with Your Training Routine

Regardless of how many times each week you work with a trainer or how many months you stay in a program, staying motivated and being consistent are the two prime ingredients to success. Things that you can do to help stay motivated include:

  • Start slow and remain steady

  • Make a fitness plan and stick to it

  • Set goals, both short and long term

When setting goals for any endeavor, it is crucial to set attainable goals. Impossible dreams are impossible. Achievable goals give you the satisfaction of reaching milestones and showing improvement. Realistic, attainable goals are motivational. 

Discontinue Your Personal Trainer When You’re Ready

The bottom line on how long you should have a personal trainer is wholly dependent on you. When the budget is not a factor, dismiss your trainer when YOU feel comfortable with your progress. 

The Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates staff can discuss goal setting and essential wellness practices with you.

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